Friday, 29 May 2020

Save The Dolphins

This week our learning intention was to do a Dolphin reading comprehension with digital activities.

I found it hard to understand the text to write my own sentence's.
I would get help to understand and rewrite the sentences.
I enjoyed making the t-shirt because it was easy to make the shirt and color it in.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Hail Mary in sign language

All week I was learning how to do Hail Mary in sign language.
I learnt it was hard to copy the pose.
This is the clip we used from our class site.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


I was learning to use:
* juicy verbs,
* different sentence starters and
* specific nouns.

I found it easy to write the the sentence's.
I found it difficult to choose the fonts and make the bg (Background).
I would change the bg (Background).
I enjoyed playing with mt friends

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

The Zoo

I was learning to use:
* juicy verbs,
* different sentence starters and
* specific nouns.

I found it easy to write the the sentence's.
I found it difficult to choose the fonts and make the bg (Background).
I would change the bg (Background).
I enjoyed my trip to the zoo..